A person holding a laptop





At the University of Central Florida, we challenge each other and ourselves to do extraordinary things. And as a model for higher education in the 21st century, we create a large-scale positive effect on our students, our region and our world. For UCF faculty and staff, that means greater challenges to tackle, more meaningful opportunities to grow and rewarding experiences that go beyond a paycheck.

We’re seeking qualified individuals with the passion and talent to help UCF fulfill its mission of being an academic, partnership and research leader. Ready to join our team? New faculty, staff, administrative and professional positions are opening up every day. 

Please note that a background check is required for employment at UCF in order to promote a safe and security environment for our community.



Application Systems Analyst III

Enterprise Applications and Data Systems R109718 Orlando Florida United States Orlando Information Technology (A&P) Staff Full time
Information Technology Services: UCF IT is the central information technology organization at the University of Central Florida, providing technology services and support to faculty, staff, and students. Reporting to the Vice President for Informa...

Assistant Director, Leadership Annual Giving

University Development - General Administration R109999 Orlando Florida United States Orlando Advancement (A&P) Staff Full time
Advancement & Partnerships: Join our dynamic and growing Advancement & Partnerships team as we work together to power partnerships and transform lives through philanthropy.  Together, we can unleash the potential of people and ideas to positively...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager

Facilities - Facilities Planning and Construction R109961 Orlando Florida United States Orlando Facilities (A&P) Staff Full time
Facilities and Business Operations: Facilities and Business Operations at UCF is dedicated to fostering a conducive educational environment for our faculty, staff, students, and the broader community. We are committed to excellence, providing unp...

Community of Practice Administrator

Academic Affairs - Operations and Curriculum - COM R110184 Orlando Florida United States Orlando Academic and Program Management (A&P) Staff Full time
Academic Affairs:  The Office of Academic Affairs provides oversight of the education curriculum and enables the success of students and faculty in teaching and learning, research, and creative expression. We are dedicated to advancing the academi...

Database Administrator II

Health Information Technology - Operations - COM R110183 Orlando Florida United States Orlando Information Technology (A&P) Staff Full time
The Health and Information Technology Department:  The Health and Information Technology Department embraces a strong, customer-centric philosophy in delivering services.  Through collaboration, we provide a robust, secure infrastructure and lever...



Tina Porter's photo Arrow icon

Skip the resume objective. Instead, go for a summary statement where you show off your skills with numbers and highlight your important work experience. Another option is a skills table where you list the tech stuff you're good at. It's an easy way to catch the eye of the recruiter and show you're a good fit for the job!

Tina Porter

Senior Recruiter
Shari-Ann Stewart's photo Arrow icon

If you are selected as the final candidate for an employment opportunity, both your position and salary will be significantly based upon the information that you have provided in your application for employment. We urge you to please take the time to complete the application in its entirety.

Shari-Ann Stewart


Frequently Asked Questions

The application process can be confusing. Here are answers to the most frequency asked questions.

Start your job search at ucf.edu/jobs. Click on the 'Search Jobs' button on top right, or type the position title, in the ‘Take the Next step’ search box. When reviewing available jobs, you can filter your results by category, employment type, city, and unit. To review the job posting click on ‘Read more.’

Jobs are added to the website daily.

Job posting times vary. Please review each job posting for the closing date, which is at the bottom of the posting, if blank the position is open until filled. The posting will be removed from the website at 12:00 AM EST on the closing date.

12:00 am Eastern Time in the morning of the date listed on the posting, unless there is another time listed in the vacancy announcement.  Applications must be completed AND submitted by that time.

Job Types

Administrative and Professional and A&P (A&P) positions are assigned administrative and management responsibilities or professional duties at the department/unit level, or above.  

University Support Personnel Services (USPS) positions are assigned professional, paraprofessional, administrative, clerical, secretarial, technical, skilled crafts, service, or maintenance duties. 

Other Personnel Services (OPS) temporary employment comprises the University of Central Florida’s at-will, temporary jobs. Temporary jobs may be part-time or full-time hours and are organized into a number of categories, each with its own distinctive policies and procedures.

Time-limited and visiting positions are based on circumstances, such as funding sources, which control the length of time for which the position is available. Time-limited and visiting positions have the same rights as a position with a regular appointment modifier, except such positions do not have rights provided for layoff and/or recall.

Veteran’s Preference grants qualified veterans’ further consideration the application status. At the University of Central Florida, we do not utilize a scoring system when reviewing applicants during the recruitment process. UCF grants veteran’s preference on USPS positions with a minimum of an initial interview for all veterans who claim and are eligible for preference and meet the minimum qualifications. To qualify for veteran’s preference, the applicant much upload a copy of the DD214 or other approved documentation for each application. If you do not have the ability to upload your documentation, please contact talent@ucf.edu. More information about Veteran’s Preference can be found at: https://hr.ucf.edu/files/VeteransPreference.pdf

Application Process

To start the application process, click the ‘Ready to Apply’ button on the top of the job posting. You will be prompted to enter your name, a valid email address, and phone number (SMS text messaging will be received, msg & data rates may apply). On the ‘Personal Details’ section of the application, you will create a password for your account that you will use each time you log in. Please use the same email address each time you apply for a job.

Review the ‘Additional Application Materials Required’ section of the job posting before you start the application process to ensure you have the required application materials ready.

Most users complete the application process in 20 minutes.

Yes, at any point in the application process, you can click on the ‘save and exit’ button at the bottom of the page. To complete your application later, log in to your applicant account and click on the ‘Complete Application’ button next to the job. You must finish and submit your application by 11:55 pm EST on the application close date to be considered for the job.

No, late applications are not accepted. Please be mindful of the close date on the job posting. Job posted as open until filled may close at any time after 5 business days without warning.

You must complete a separate application for each job you are interested in. To do this, click on the ‘Ready to Apply’ button found on each job posting.

After you apply for a job at UCF, your applicant account will save your personal details, resume, and education information to make applying for future jobs easier. You can edit this information every time you apply for a job.

No, there is no limit to the number of jobs to which you can apply.

Most hiring managers expect candidates to submit a resume when applying. Review the ‘Additional Application Materials Required’ section of the job posting before you start the application process to ensure you have the required application materials. Sometimes additional materials, such as a cover letter, the names and contact information for references, or a copy of a specific licensure are required.

No, you must apply online. If you need assistance applying online, please contact talent@ucf.edu.

Applicants are asked to complete a work history form within the application. Refer to the ‘Additional Application Materials Required’ section on the job posting to see which application materials are required. If a resume is required, you must submit a resume to be considered for the job. If you do not have a resume, there are many online resources to help you create one such as resume.com, resumebuilder.com, and zety.com/resume-builder.

You may submit an MS Word or Adobe PDF file, as well as any of the following acceptable file formats: .pdf, .doc, .xls, .rtf, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .jpeg, .ppt, .pub, .gif, .png, .docx, .mp3, .mp4, .wmv, .wma, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .flv, .avi, .msg, .bmp, .vsd, .pps, .xml, .wav, .csv, .eml, .docm, .xlsm, .xlsx, .pptx.

Yes.  After a candidate account is created, you will be prompted how to start your application.  You can select:

  1. Autofill with Resume - upload your resume to parse information on resume to your application.
  2. Apply Manually – manually enter in application information.
  3. Use My Last Application - previously applied and some of the last application information will default with the ability to edit.  

You may address the cover letter to either the “Search Committee” or the “Hiring Manager.”  Specific names are not required.

After you apply, you will receive a confirmation message on your screen and an email acknowledging the receipt of your application. Your applicant account will also show your submitted applications.

Yes, you may withdraw an application. Log in to your applicant account and click the red button ‘Withdraw’.

Enter “Not Listed” and select “Not Listed”.  

Please note: If you click the prompt on the School or University field no values will be found.  You must enter in school name to narrow the search. If the school or university name is not available, enter in “Not Listed” and select the “Not Listed” value to populate on the School or University field.  

You may receive an error message if you have not completed all the required information. You are required to complete all fields in the application that have an asterisk (*). You will not be able to submit your application if you do not complete all required fields.

Changes to your personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and home address can be made in your applicant account, under ‘Update Profile’. Contact talent@ucf.edu for other changes to your application, such as submitting a revised cover letter or resume to request to delete your application. Changes to your application materials must be made before the close date.

You can log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Log in” and entering your e-mail address and password. Then, you can check the “Current Status” listed under the job information under your submitted application(s).

The time frame varies greatly and is based on numerous factors such as the volume of applicants, the department’s schedule, the need for the job etc. Unfortunately, because of the numerous variables it is impossible to gauge how long the hiring process will take. We recommend checking the status periodically for any updates to the requisition. You can check the status of your application by logging in to the applicant portal by clicking “Log in” and entering your e-mail address and password. Then, you can check the “Current Status” listed under the job information under your application.

UCF leverages Spark Hire, an online on-demand interview platform, to enhance the interview experience, offering convenience for both candidates and our hiring team. It's important to note that the platform is selectively employed at the hiring manager’s discretion and is not universally applied to every position.

In the event Spark Hire is utilized for your application, you'll receive a set of interview questions, granting you the flexibility to record and submit your responses at your own pace. This approach provides you with an opportunity to present your best self, and it allows our hiring team to thoroughly review your responses, aiding in more informed decision-making.

We want to assure you that Spark Hire is designed to be user-friendly, and our support team is available to assist you throughout the process. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to talent@ucf.edu. Technical support is available 24/7 on the Spark Hire platform.

Please forward questions to talent@ucf.edu or call 407-823-2771.

Yes, when you are logged in to the applicant site, you can update your profile information by clicking on the Candidate Home tab to update your personal information.

You can reset your password by clicking on the “Forgotten your password?” link on the Sign In page of the applicant portal.  If you cannot remember the email address you used to create your profile, please e-mail talent@ucf.edu for assistance.

Accessibility and Accommodations

If you require reasonable accommodation because of a disability in completing an application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee hiring process, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity at 407-823-1336 or by email: oie@ucf.edu.


Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Smile, Necklace
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If you are not currently employed or enrolled as a student at UCF, search and apply for jobs by creating a new account or signing into your current applicant account.



If you are a current employee or student at UCF, log into Workday to view and apply for positions.